Francie Eats her First Burrito

Last Thursday before we left for our trip (pictures coming soon!) Francie and I had a whole day to organize the house, go through her outgrown baby clothes and just hang out together. We walked down to the Hacienda Market near our house for a giant authentic burrito from the burrito bar... Jannie came over for lunch too and Francie was such a big girl she ate a kiddie burrito all by herself!

"Hum, this thing is pretty good."

"Where's Ah-wah (Ollie)? I think I should share this yummy burrito with him..." (Mom and Dad can't seem to break this habit! She wants to give half of ALL her food to the dog, hand feeding him from the table and laughing at him as he tries to wrangle little bits out of her clenched fist. I'm not sure if she is sharing or torturing him!)