Francie Goes to Arizona!

That's right... I said Arizona and not New York City!! We had planned a week-long trip to NYC for Fashion Week and visiting friends while Heff was Elk hunting with his friend Greg Weber in Flagstaff, AZ. Well last Wednesday morning Francie and I were up at 5:30am with our bags packed ready to hit the airport... and we didn't go! I whimped out. I wasn't feeling great and I hate to admit but got a little scared about flying into NY the day before September 11, plus it was going to be a whirlwind trip all over the city by myself with a newly-walking baby! Basically, I totally whimped out. So I had a day at home with Francie to relax and hang out... and to plan an impromptu trip to Scottsdale, Arizona! We decided to fly down with Heff (on our free Southwest Tickets!) and found a great deal at the historic and newly renovated "Camelback Inn." I called my parents to see what their weekend plans were and they jumped on the bandwagon too! It doesn't take much to get Jannie back to AZ (she went to Univ of Arizona) to lay by the pool for a long weekend :) We saw Daddy off in his camo and hit the resort for four days of lounging, dining and hanging out watching Francie pants keep us all entertained! Heff met us back on Sunday for a day and night but Jannie and I stayed the day Monday to squeeze in one more poolside day and took the last flight home Monday night :) I missed seeing everyone in NYC but Arizona was very relaxing and a great trip.

"Mom, this place is GREAT!"

Jannie and Francie putting on her shoes

Walking to dinner at The Camelback Inn's new restaurant that just opened 5 days ago

CHecking out the "wah-wah" pools after dinner... the outdoor restaurant all lit up in the background, it was really cool especially in the warm nights and Francie was so good, she sat in her highchair every meal and ate, ate, ate :)

Jannie, Francie and Mary

With her Ja-Ja and Bah-Pah

Had to stop and kiss the turtle :)

Pool time with Jannie and her new pet camel from the gift shop

Washing dolly in the water

We met the cutest family with four kids who were all playing with Francie. The oldest was a 9th grader and kind of shy until she heard us call Francie's name and said "WHAT is her name?!" It turns out she is a FRANCIE too!! Frances Claire and had never met another Francie... her younger brother and sisters thought it was so funny :)

I love this face

And Daddy is back from Elk hunting! YAY! This was a bow and arrow hunt and they saw tons of huge elk out in the wilderness starting their hunts at 3:30am everyday but Weber didn't get one (a 1,000 lb elk!) until the day AFTER Heff left of course:) But Dad had a great time on the trip.

Lunchtime at the poolside restaurant (Love the kids menu, back at home I've been trying to give her lots of options to eat but it's just not as easy from the fridge!)

Feeding her dolly a lemon wedge

"You're turn Mom!"

Lounging in the sun by the geckos (she spent LOTS of time entertaining herself here!)

Walking around to see the flowers with my cute little happy girl!

Daddy in the pool with his little Doo

Not afraid to jump right in!

The Heffs

Sundown on Camelback Mountain

Walking with her Jannie

Francie loved to smell all the pretty flowers outside our room

We wore her out every night walking to and from dinner along the paths... she walked almost the whole way but would crash to the ground with a big sigh when she got tired and needed a break :)

Napping on my chair in the shade every afternoon... ah I love those uninterrupted couple of hours to read!