Willows Parents Party Too :)

Saturday night Heff went out with the "Willows Dads" for their annual Pub Crawl in downtown Palo Alto. These guys are pretty serious about their monthly Dad's Nights Out and the Pub Crawl... so serious they had t-shirts made up this year! One of the Dad's designed a logo for the Willows Dads and then the guys could order whatever size/color/cut they wanted on Zazzle. They only looked slightly gay in their matching shirts riding their bikes together :) They all had some good stories floating around the neighborhood the next morning (do we live in a college dorm? Sometimes it is almost as fun!) and I'm sure we didn't even get to hear the good ones :) All I know is I'd never heard the Old Pro turned people away from riding the bull because they were too drunk to write their own name until the Pub Crawl was over!

Before the Pub Crawl on Saturday afternoon we went to a birthday party down the street for our friend Bart Draper who I went to 6th-8th grade with and we just recently ran into each other on the sidewalk when he bought the house a block away! He has a two year old girl and Francie had fun running around with the big kids :)

And not to let the DADS steal all the glory... Last Saturday night we had an impromptu "Moms Night Out" at the Old Pro in Palo Alto with a few of my mom friends who live nearby, Icie, Ressa and Paige. I was already in my Juicy's on the couch when they texted me to go out but I rallied (you can tell since my hair is curly :) We had fun and stirred up our own trouble!

Paige asked this guy how his basketball team did at the Olympics and how he got back from Bejing so fast. He was not amused but did agree to take a picture with her

Walking Home. A little earlier than we used to :)