Sunday night we had our neighbors Ben, Sandra and Alexa over for dinner and found our first egg in the chicken coup! Alexa and Francie were playing in the playpit while Ben and I were checking out the chickens (Sandra and Ben were the first chicken sitters when they were baby chicks and had the unfortunate timing to have to "brown bag" the sixth chicken who bit the dust) Ben looked in and said "Oh you have eggs now?" and I was surprised to see a little brown egg in their hutch! They are supposed to lay eggs at six months, but these guys are only 4.5 months so one of them in a little early to the party... we've had one egg a day since then so we'll have to catch it in the act to figure out if its Red Neck, Trailer Trash, Daisy, Duke or Queenie laying the golden early egg!

"What? You didn't tell me those chickies lay EGGS!"

Cute Alexa

Crazy girl Francie pants