Francie at The Fair

Saturday we went to the San Mateo County Fair with the Johnets and the Carters. It was not the Red Bluff fair (vendors were a little more Oriental Trading Company than Red Bluff Round Up) but it was fun and we were surprised how many 4H kids there are in San Mateo County (Heff and I were BOTH 4H kids even if he was a little more 'hard core' than I was... I mean just because her raised 250 pound hogs and 1250 pound cows and I just had a dumb turkey (Gonna' B. Eaten), a lamb (chops) and of course vaulted he thinks he trumps me:) But Francie thoroughly enjoyed the animals and the sights while we feasted on every kind of fried food we could get our hands on. It reminded us of our last trip to the County Fair in Red Bluff when she was 9 days old!

Eating BBQ and beans with Jannie

Francie asking for "more, more!"

Waiting in line for the carousel ride with her Dad (she had to try these out before she rode the REAL THING!)

Not so sure about this at first...

Deep in conversation with her Dad

"You sure this thing is secure Dad? It looks a little rickety up there."

Despite the worried look on her face, she did have fun!

Back to Mom to walk around and check out the other rides (we considered putting her on the "swings" that go around in a circle but were glad we didn't when we saw them going around super fast with the kids flying around in the oversized swingseats!)

The tractors in the Kids Barnyard Babies exhibit were a hit for Francie... she called them all "cah"s (aka cars)

Her favorite though were the animals... she got to feed this mutant goat with no ears

and watched the "Hog Wild" pig races from Dad's shoulders

The Johnets and the Carters at the pig racing stands

The Heff's with our favorite little Doo!

But the BEST part of the day was the pony ride! Francie is a pony riding pro thanks to the Flynn girls so she got to ride "Lincoln" the pony all by herself at the fair! (Dad walking around inside just in case :)

"Does this guy know what he's doing? Where is Madeline when I need her?"

"You better get that belt nice and tight buddy."

"DAD don't embarrass me, I'm a big girl you know"

"Hummm... this pony sure likes to stop a lot."

Francie posing for her pony ride photo-op

Now she's into it... "Ride um cowgirl!"

Looking for Jannie around the bend

Laughing at Mom and Jannie!

"Can you believe Dad AND Grampa are letting me ride this thing by myself Jannie!?"

"This horse is moving kinda fast now..."

"What!? They are taking kids OFF? Nobody told me this thing ends!"

Giving the horse a "Good Horsey" pet on the neck

and doing the "MORE" sign when she wants to keep going

High-5 to Jannie on the last go round

Good ridin' Cowgirl!

All Done

Delivered safely back to her dad