Oh No Jannie's Leaving!?


Jannie and Grandpa are off for a big road trip tomorrow! We had a "going away" dinner at home Friday night with the Johnets, The Heffs and James & Em.  We are going to miss Jannie and Grandpa!! I don't know what my mom is going to do as she won't see Francie for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! When they get back from their road trip we will have just left for the Heffernan Family Reunion in Black Butte, Oregon.  My parents are driving the Suburban back to Baby Ann to have at school next year... they are taking a leisurely route and hitting a few of the states they don't have (we are all in competition.... I am at 41 states, Jannie at 42 and my Dad at 48!) They are hopefully going to get North and South Dakota putting my dad in the lead with ALL 50 STATES! Heff and I are jealous :)

Looking at her NEW copy of the "DOG" book Jannie bought her (the old one is barely holding on)

Having fun with Uncle James

This girl loves her John Deere! (in her camo pants and wife beater :) Grandpa John appearantly likes her girly frills and told me her outfit "left a little to be desired"!

"Watch what you say about my wardrobe Grandpa."

She couldn't get the ATV to "move" when she was on it so she jumped off and pushed it over to Auntie Em and got back on to press the "singing" button once she got there!

Em rewarded her with some "drop the golf balls" on the ladder golf :)

Playing with her Grandpa

"Don't they know there is an airplane up there right now and they are all looking at that darn camera!!"

Uncle James thinks he runs this pizzaria!


Silly Uncle James.

Yummmmmy pizzas out of the pizza oven!

"You guys ate all the pizza while I was playing with my Shape Sorter!" Don't worry Francie... with only 7 of us here for dinner tonight, there is PLENTY left :) We usually have such a crowd for pizza nights the slices go FAST so it was nice to have a small, quiet night to make our own and have too much to go around. Jannie challenged Heff and I against James and Em to make our own taste-tester pizzas. I won. :) of course.

We have a family tradition (one of our favorites!) that my dad hands out the "Hunskies" sometimes for special occasions or for not much of a reason at all. My Grandpa used to sneak us some money when we were little and my dad took over the tradition and "upped the anty" a little bit. It all started when Baby Ann was like 6 years old and was the only kid who agreed to go out to dinner with my parents (the boys and I were too busy being pre-teens) so my Dad gave her a hundred dollar bill after dinner which she proudly paraded around the house to rub in our faces :)  My dad gave Baby Ann a really funny card for her birthday this year from Francie with a $100 bill in it that said it "you can have this one Ann, Grandpa gives me one everyday." Ann was not so amused! So last night Jannie gave Francie her first FULL piggy bank (Jannie started a new tradition filling piggy banks in the laundry room to give to "grandkids" as they get full for a special treat)- this piggy from my bachelorette party at the Venetian in Vegas- and Grandpa gave her a a special treat too. :)

"Seriously Grandpa?! My first Hunskie!?!?"

"Woo-hoo! Let's go to Vegas Baby!"