Francie's Fun Friday

Francie had a busy Friday... first we went to see our neighbor Emma's summer camp play "Peter Pan" in Palo Alto. It was so cute! The kids were between 6 and 10 years and did a great job for two short weeks of practicing. I love kids plays :) Francie was enthralled until she fell asleep for a little nap. It's a good thing she got over her fear of clapping and loud noises, there were lots of proud parents in the room! We got to see Emma after the show and Francie practically jumped into her arms, she loves Emma :)

Emma is the pirate in red with the eye patch 

Emma wanted to introduce Francie to all of her friends from camp

Friday afternoon we went over to the Carter's to hang out with the whole family for a few hours before Beth and Jill had to fly back to San Diego. They were all in Tahoe all week getting tan and playing with the triplets. Francie loved their Kangaroo Climber Grandma Georgia made sure to have for their visit... that's a full house! 

Francie motoring up the slide (I had to help pull her pants up to give her a little friction!)

"Hummmm..... which one should I share my toys with?"

Andrew showing his belly!


Francie and her buddies the Carter Triplets... I see trouble in a few years :)




and the wild child Francie-pants!


"So when are you guys coming back to California!?"