Francie Keeping Busy Around the House

I was sick this weekend (no fun in July) so we were at home just hanging out around the house.  Francie was forced to entertain herself with her dog.  Jannie sent us home with Francie's favorite vintage Fisher-Price Shape Sorter so Francie could think of playing at Jannie's house during her Jannie-hiatus... and of course Francie dispersed the blocks to all ends of our house where Ollie promptly chewed them to pieces. eBay here I come.

"You're right Ollie... this is the best spot in the house for chewing on my blocks. No wonder mom always finds them here." 

"Look Mom I can dance in Ollie's bed!"

"I'm outta here and I'm taking my block with me."

"I think I'll try chewing over here where I can hide from Mom and that annoying camera"

"Ummm... this block even tastes good over here in the kitchen. Ollie will love it all slobbered up when I pass it off to him to finish."

"Huh!? How did you find me?" (Notice Heff's handiwork "childproofing" system on the cabinets)

Jannie and Grampa came over for ONE LAST GOODBYE to their little Francie-doo (Side note, Grandpa decided he likes "Grampa" since that's how we say it and what we called my Grampa... I guess if he's giving out the hunskies we'll spell it any way he wants:)

Who is more sad to be saying goodbye Jannie or Francie... or Grampa!?

Yes, Francie is still in her PJ's at noon. She is half Simonson-I-mean-Arnerich!

Have fun on your adventure Jannie and GRAMPA!!!