Meeting Baby Jackson

Jannie and I went over to met Baby Jackson last night and he is as adorable as James and Em reported! They were just home from the hospital last night and we were honored to be invited over for a visit. He is so little! I can't believe it was 10 months ago Francie was that tiny. Jackson has perfect little features and seems like a great baby. Marla is doing SUCH a good job being a mom. We got to peek around in his nursery and play with all the new baby gear, I got to pretend I am a "veteran" new mom and show them how stuff works... how fun :) We definetly overstayed our welcome when Joe brought out the wine! Thanks for the special visit girls!

I left Francie at home with Dad... "WHAT? You mean I DON"T get to go meet Jackson!?"

"Fine. Go. I get to stay here with my Dad."

Baby Jackson at 2 days old

Looking up at his favorite Auntie Em

Cute Grandpa Joe

Jackson waving at us

Checking out those perfect little newborn fingers and nose!

I got home to Francie sleeping on the couch next to her Daddy... you think she was playing in the tanbark?

Good work Dad. Heff said she was playing with him all night, talking up a storm and getting into any trouble she could find until she crawled over to him, pulled on his knee so he'd pick her up and crashed on his chest :)