Mark & Sarah's Wedding PARTY! (Saturday)

Back to the main house to celebrate... Lots of drinks and appetizers, fresh oysters and a Cracked Crab dinner!

Everybody helping out. Andrea and Jackie

The Teters working on artichokes and oyster fixings

Dan and Donald shucking raw FRESH oysters

This is how Mark and Sarah spent the first hour+ of THEIR wedding reception... reading to the kids! No wonder the kids all love Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mark :)

Heff playing around with the Doodle

YUMM. Fresh crab ready for the pot.

The bog girls check them out too

More shucking...

A lot of hard work for 72 oysters, they were gobbled up fast.

The groom... still reading.

Craig and Andrea

Getting killed in Ladder Golf

Almost ready for dinner

Kat making her famous salads

We used a lot of pots for this dinner

Here come the troops

The Newlyweds!

And Homemade Pies for dessert!

Andrea and Craig brought Hungarian Dessert Wine for a toast

Don't leave home without your case of Ikea $0.25 champagne flutes


Out for the count

The little girls (Kate prefers to go naked) made a game out of taking everyone's shows off under the table and hiding them... it made for interesting walks home when a few went missing

At the end of the night we watched a video Claire made for Mark and Sarah on the projector