Kate Turns 3

Happy Birthday Kate!

Sunday we all hung out around the house in Stinson Beach and played with the babies. It was Heff's neice Kate's 3rd birthday (June 1) and a sunny day to spend a little more time with the whole family before everyone braved the windy road home.

Ant Maureen and Oma reading the Farm book to all the girls

Aunt Kat dressing Isabel for the day ~ Donald and Ellie

Francie pants ~ stealing Kate's Binky

Isabel and her reflection

Francie gave up interest in HER binkys a couple months ago but Kate's binky was a lot more interesting :)

The big girls "helping" Kate open her presents

And helping to play with them of course

Kate's favorite pose for a camera

Mark and Sarah... married now!

Proof. Witnesses for the Marriage License looking oh-so-serious

BUSTED. Any good juice on "Moriah's Secret Wedding" Heff?

Hanging out around the guacamole

Tournament Ladder Golf... the boys and Andrea

Uncle Mark must have taught Francie how to get down on one knee

Fun around the fountain

Feet on the floor Francie!

Dad's got her :)