Mark & Sarah's Wedding Ceremony (Saturday)

Saturday morning we had a big breakfast and the crowd dispersed for beach walks/runs/hikes/naps during the day. I heard someone ask Sarah when the ceremony was going to be and she said "Whenever people get back from the hike." Talk about an easy bride :) The whole group stayed in three houses for the weekend. The Heffernans were in the big/main house where we did all the meals but the ceremony was on the beach at the Cahill (Claire's twin sisters family's) house on the water. It was beautiful and the sun came out right as we all convened on the sand.

Dad dressed up with the Doodle

Aunt Kat pushing precious cargo... Champagne for the wedding toast!

Jackie looking pretty by our favorite fish doors

Everybody walking over to the beach house for the wedding (we must have looked a little silly all dressed up:)

Heff (still coming up with his toast?:) with Francie at the beach house

Everybody heading out to the sand...

The girls (Maggie and Ellie) lead the way...

Everyone waiting for the bride and groom!

"I think I see Aunt Sarah coming!"

Kat and Donald

Sarah's parents Nora and Bill waiting for their only daughter to tie the knot

Here Comes The Bride! And Groom!

Bill Cahill (Heff's cousin) preformed the ceremony and read vows Mark & Sarah wrote...

with a little of his own humor thrown in :)

The sun came out and the weather was perfect for the ceremony

Mark was a dashing groom and Sarah looked beautiful (as always)

The Teters

Time for the rings...

And the Kiss!

The kids find more interest in the sand

Pronounced man and wife. Congratulations Mark and Sarah!

Family photo on the sand dunes

and time for some bubbly!

Heff started the toasts... he included an Irish blessing he said was one of his favorites that I had never heard and thought was very appropriate, "May you live as long as you want and not want as long as you live."

Cheers! (Francie got a little upset at all the clapping:)

Mark and Sarah are all smiles

Isabel checking out the kite surfers

Sarah's brother Dan gave another really nice toast to his sister and Mark

As did most of the siblings and Sarah's Mom

"That was the easiest wedding I've ever been to! Why'd you make me go to all those long ones Mom and Dad?!"

Andrea took over the camera for awhile until it hurt her wrists to carry the thing around:)

The happy couple

Mark gave a nice toast to his bride...

And Sarah to her groom and the whole family

We're all very happy for them!

Fun with champagne bottles

Nothing like Saltwater Sandals on the beach

One baby down for the count

Sippy cups and champagne bottles in Uncle Craig's hands

Proud Daddy

Craig and Andrea

Ready to party!

Ellie (as the oldest Heffernan granddaughter, we have a lot in common;) was the first one out and the last one in.

I forgot my green dress ;) The girls in green... Maureen, Andrea and Katherine

All the gals

And the guys

Mom with Francie

The Teter Family

The Cahill Family

and the Heffernan flock

We all love you Mark & Sarah!

... more celebration reception pics to come!