A Week with Cousin Isabel

We've had a busy week with my sister-in-law Andrea visiting with baby Isabel! It's been fun to watch the girls play together... they give each other kisses (or smacks) and share toys (or take them from each other!) I can't believe it's already Thursday, we've been going non-stop since Monday! A few pictures from the week...

Monday we had lunch with Auntie Baby Ann and her boyfriend Matt before they headed off for a camping trip up the coast of CA and OR. They asked us two hours before they were leaving if they could borrow sleeping bags or "camping stuff." UMMM... good planning Pisser. Heff came home from work to load them up with so much camping gear they might as well have been on a REI shopping spree. He also gave them strict instructions that they were only allowed to camp places with paved roads and a ranger. I'm taking bets on the ratio of number of nights spent camping to number of nights spent in B&B's....

Francie says "You better not be sending me camping with them Mom!"

Monday night we walked downtown Palo Alto for dinner at iTapas with Katherine and Donald... Francie recommends their mashed sweet potatoes that come with the halibut. Thanks for dinner Donald :)

Tuesday we ventured down to Valley Fair Mall since they have better baby shopping than Stanford Shopping Center. Emmy met us there and was a HUGE help with the little monsters. We took some portraits at the mall too... Isabel's first time! Francie says "Not this place again Mom."

Couldn't have pulled off six hours of shopping without you Em (that mall SUCKS you in like a Vegas casino!) We were so tired by the end we even let the girls play in the germ-infested "indoor mall playground" where they schooled a set of 17 month old twin boys... Isabel pushed right through the tunnel when they were too slow to go on in themselves!

Wednesday had a playdate at Burgess Park and Pool! Andrea's college roommate, Anna, lives in the East Bay and has a 4 month old baby Vivian. She came over before lunch and we all walked to the deli for sandwiches and had a picnic in the park before the pool opened for baby swim (it's our city rec pool). I hadn't been to this pool since I swam there 38 weeks pregnant trying to get a baby to flip from the breech position! My friend Lindsey and baby Isaac and her friend Alana and baby Case met us for the afternoon too (Francie LOVED the splashing from that giant mushroom thing!)

I love that even the babies had to wear wristbands to get in... Isabel says, "Where is the beer garden Francie?"

Isabel, Andrea, Vivian and Anna

Me and Lindsey with the babes

Francie loving the water!

We'll miss you Isabel and Andrea! Until the next cousin vacation! :)