Welcome Stella Ann Stonebarger

My good friend Janna (one of the infamous Mariani girls:) had her THIRD baby last week and it was a girl!! Stella Ann was born June 2 at 7 pounds 2 ounces and she is little sister to my god-son James, four years old, and Wil, two years old. They make an adorable family! I am excited for Stella and Francie to grow up together, it's going to take me awhile to catch up to Janna's flock ;) Monday afternoon I went over to Brentwood to meet Baby Stella and hang out with Janna and the boys. We had fun and James told me that when he is a "little more grown up" and Heff and I want to go out to dinner, if we have no one to watch Francie he will babysit her. :) They are too cute.

Big brothers Wil (2) and James (4) (when I showed James this picture on the LCD screen, which BTW is the only way to get good pictures of kids I'm convinced, James said "Hey... I look little and Wil looks big!")

Stella sleeping on her mom

James and Francie playing at the table with Janna and the new baby watching from the background

It's crazy in the Stonebarger household!

Wil, James and Francie

James was very good with Francie and helped take care of her while Wil shared ALL his pretzels with her :)

So sleepy... I miss that stage!

Family portrait (plus one;) Congrats Janna, Erick, James and Wil!!

The Stonebargers (once we got Francie out of there:) I love the cute pot their neighbor made them as a welcome home for Stella gift!