Uncle Mark's Graduation

Thursday night we drove up for Mark's graduation from University of California at Davis. He earned his PhD nine months ago (after a mere nine years) but the ceremony was yesterday. Mark and a friend Chris rented out an Indian restaurant for a crowd to celebrate their official doctoral status. Claire told a funny story about Mark at three years old inquisitively asking, "Mom... what's smalla dan a peck a dust?" or translated "What's smaller than a speck of dust?" Congrats Mark!

Francie and Isabel in matching bubble suits with Daddy 1 and Daddy 2

I love this picture... these girls sure can dish it out but they seriously LOVE each other!

Heff has double duty

Kissin' Cousins!

You think Francie is worn out?

Heffs heading home... (sporting our UC Davis colors!)

The other Heffs driving home to LA tonight... Francie and Isabel ending their week long cousin extravaganza!

Do we have to call you this now Uncle Mark?