More Sunset and Sun on Sunday

I forgot to download pictures from my other camera... here are some more pictures from the Sunset Magazine Food and Wine Festival and cooling off with the babies in the playpit!

Oma with Isabel and Jannie with Francie in the shade by the free food booths :)

My Dad and Heff going through those 6 ounce beer testers pretty darn quick

Bethy, Jill, Francie and Mare... waiting for James and Em to bring back the corn dogs (my favorite:)

Back at our house we tried to cool off in the playpit with a new "pool" I bought for Francie. It was more of a fish-shaped plastic mat and when you attach a hose the outter ring fills with water and is supposed to spray little streams of water out all around it. We couldn't figure out why it wasn't very impressive spray but the girls had fun anyway. (I realized when everyone left and I was cleaning up we never plugged the drain underneath!! no wonder :)

Dad trying to fix it...

We emptied the wine and beer buckets from the party just in time for the girls to take a dip in the leftover warm water that had been sitting in the sun all day... they were mini hot tubs for babies!

A race for the turtle. The girls would "fight" over a toy and once they got it from the other one throw it back like "Ok, I won. Now you get it so I can steal it again."

And back for a dip in the buckets...

Francie and Isabel


Time to get out and dry off... snuggling with Mom in her "Mary Frances" towel from Aunt Tricia!

Later Sunday night after the Heffs had all hit the road for home we went over to the Carters for "Sunday Night Carter-Simo" dinner like we used to do when we were little. Beth and Jill love in San Diego now but were home for a cousin's graduation and their flight didn't leave until 9pm so we had just enough time for some wine, dinner and ladder golf!

Jannie brought Francie down in the Pram (she kidnapped her for a few hours while Heff and I worked on organizing the garage and new shed for a little while Sunday afternoon). Francie may not have many more naps in the Pram as she is sure to pull herself up and over the edge if she wakes up now but Jannie has rigged an "alarm system" bell to the top so we hear her if she stirs :) (and we watch her closely... don't go calling CPS:)

Jerry and Georgia Carter cooking up some dinner

James and Em...

But I like this picture of them better ;)

Bethy bought Francie her first "Pretty Pink TuTu"...

Francie says "What are you guys doing to me now? Bethy... Dad says this was stolen goods. PLEASE."

"Now you're going to want me to dance aren't you? Where is my camo?"

Mom with her Pretty Princess :)

"OOOO" face

Twirl Francie!

Jillers and the Doodle

Beth and Jill making the most of the last few minutes before the airport

Jerry and Ruby the dog

Thanks for the Princess TuTu Bethy!

"Oh my" says Francie, "This is polyester.... what will my friends think!"