Saturday Work and Playgroup Progressive

Saturday was a busy day with the neighborhood garage sale on our street. I put out a few things but tried to help Heff sweating it our in the backyard building the shed and finishing the last of the backyard improvements. Francie and I hung out with Emma (7) and Owen (4) from next door and had a taste testing contest for the Lemonade Stands... Owen was a pretty good salesman in the garage sale department and sold a kid about his age a few of his old bathtub boats. After selling the kid on them and how much fun they were, taking his money and waving goodbye he said, "Thanks OK! I didn't want them anyway because they sink!" Nice work Owen. After a quick Home Depot run we caught up with Paige, Erika and Icie for some baby playing. We are so lucky to have friends with babies the same age who live so close! We ended up doing an impromptu BBQ at our house after cocktails and pre-party at Paige and Chris's place just a block away.

Heff worked on the new shed with a little help from his sidekick

We tried to keep her drinking lots of water in this heat

It's much more fun to play under the exersaucer

Paige and Wes with Icie and Estelle... hanging out poolside for the pre-party "Playgroup Progressive"

Wesley showing an uncanny resemblance to Francie's doll (my old doll!) and yes we know, the doll is a little creepy but you are just cute with those eyes Wes!

Getting them all to sit still has become an impossible task... at least Estelle is waving hello, or maybe "bonjior"

We moved the party to our house for BBQ Tri-tip... the kids ate puffs off the ground

Francie says "MOM. I don't know which is worse... the fact that you sprinkled snacks on the ground for us to eat or the fact you showed your friends how Beth Carter taught you to stick puffs to our foreheads" (they will stay there for hours)

Mmmmmm. Puffs.

Paige got in big trouble from her hubby for this one!

Sorry Chris... I encouraged her :)

Erika and Josh (Josh was a good sport... he leaves at 5:45am tomorrow for Panama!)

Heff's hard work in the background... the shed is close to being done!

The moms: Erika and Leo, Mary and Francie, Icieand Estelle, Paige and Wesley