Poolside Playdate

It's HOT here!! The kind of record breaking heat where the newscasters are reminding you to take care of your pets (humm... maybe?? just kidding) So we had a record day of play dates/groups/lunch/etc. We went to a new Music Together class at 10:30 this morning at Holbrook-Palmer park that Francie loved. She woke up early to go to the dirt store with her dad for some more flagstone for the backyard and after no napping she was pretty tired by 10:30am and I thought about not going but she powered through it and loved the music and songs and seeing all the big kids running around like crazy. Then we had lunch with Kelli and Landry before we went to Baby Sign Playgroup at DayOne at 1:00pm. It was almost 100 degrees out when we finished class. HOT. We went to Icie's pool to swim and hang out with Francie's buddies Estelle and Wesley.

Champagne and Baby Bottles are always a good combination right?

Francie crawling away from the camera and Estelle chewing on her sunglasses (better than nuggets huh Icie?) PS... I am mourning. My camera is broken. I got a "fatel error 99" message and it has to go back to Canon for servicing. Maybe why Francie has time to escape the shutter on my not-as-quick-to-snap digital cam here. May be bad news for the blog.

Estelle's Swim-daiper Wedgie


OUCH. Francie pinching Wes' belly! You'll get her back one day Wesley.

Cute Wes always taking it from these girls

Aww... Callie standing guard over the babes

Losing their attention...