Francie Runs the Bay to Breakers!

On Sunday we woke up bright and early to head up to San Francisco to walk the Bay to Breakers with our neighbors the Ewers. The Bay to Breakers is a famous 10K in San Francisco that close to 75,000 people participate in.. there are some "real" runners in it but the majority of the people are dressed up in theme, wearing funny costumes, or buck-naked (oh, except for the running shoes!) It was entertaining to say the least. We planned to take the train up in the morning and have someone pick us up after the race in the city (did I mention LOTS of alcohol is also involved?) So even after a late night with the playgroup girls we were up and at the train station by 6:40. Damn CalTrain. The train finally came 30 minutes late and whizzed right by us! Appearantly it was FULL, but they didn't even bother to tell us and there wasn't another train for awhile so we just drove up finally.

Waiting at the Menlo Park train station at 6:45am for that elusive train

The Ewers: Sandra, Ben and Baby Alexa at the train station

Ben and Heff with their baby girls

Pit stop at Whole Foods for some beer

Paper or plastic?

Look at all those crazy people!

The theme for our group (Ben's co-workers) was "Mani-Pedi Spa" as Ben does accident re-construction and his office had an old spa pedicure chair left over from some lady who died after contracting some disease in a spa chair! They re-rigged this thing with wheels and a keg on the back so that the beer flowed freely from the hose on the foot bath! Here is Alexa riding in style:

Dad ready for his pedicure (I know I was after walking almost 10 miles!)

Just one of the MANY naked asses Francie saw

Heff carried Francie in the backpack (thanks Yellow House girls!) the whole way. She was a trooper

Look at ALL THOSE PEOPLE behind us! It was craziness

"What have you gotten me into this time?"

We saw our friend Jen Goldstein along the way... kind of amazing in this many people but Jen doesn't miss a good party :)

Sleepy-do by the time we got to the top of the hill

We'll have to make this a tradition!