Le Cirque Home Opening Party

Wednesday night we went to the Le Cirque Home Launch Party at their new showroom in downtown Menlo Park. The place looks gorgeous and even Dad came with us to see all the work they've done to transform the house. It was fun to see! Their new website debuted at the party too and Francie-pants is star of the show on the homepage :) It's not directing to the new site yet but hopefully if you go to ShopLeCirque.com it will be up soon and you can "SHOP Le Cirque!" We love it there!!!

The Heffs enjoying the party, we were so glad Dad came along too!


We were early birds at the party... the new house/showroom looks amazing

Good work Christian and Meredith!!

Francie on her favorite bench outside under the lights

"Here Daddy!"

Mommy had to "seet!" too :)

Francie wanted to check out the whole house

Francie on the wall!

Checking things out in the organic gender-neutral nursery room :)

Daddy and the Doo

The cute Klas family!

Night-night on the big bed in the boy room

Even the closets are adorable!

Francie and her buddy Conor playing with Noah's Arc

Party girl

Meredith and Tyler "borrowing" Conor (love the look on his face:)

"MOM. Did you SEE this Christmas tree?!"

Doll-doll gets to ride the Panda Bear

"Uh-oh! Bonk the head doll-doll!"


Hugs for her dolly and almost ready to go home for bedtime

Thanks for including Francie girls... what a fun night!