Sake's Alive... Grandma's 95!

We were in Red Bluff again this weekend for a family-fun-filled celebration of Grandma Wichmann's 95 years! Claire and Cathleen threw a great party for their mom and most of her children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews there to help her blow out the candles and reminisce through old photos of her life. All 5 Heffernan kids were there and the Cahills which meant all 8 grandkids/cousins (and the two on the way in bellies!) The kids had so much fun running around and making at least 19 trips a day out to the barn to give the horses some treats and visit with the goats. They were all out there barefoot in PJ's first thing in the morning and last thing every night... the barn is a big hit Oma! It was a fun early-christmas get together and we can't wait to see everyone again in 3 weeks for the Heffernan Christmas extravaganza!

Cousins in the barn

Just hanging out in her camo hat and scarf from "Gi-gou!" (Thanks Georgia:)

She loves her horseys


CUTE new baby Patrick Matthews! (10 weeks old)

Cousins coloring in the playroom

Righty or lefty? ;)

Ellie the eldest cousin and she takes her role very seriously :)

Most of us missed the memo that Saturday was "wear maroon day" :)

The twin-sy cousins Isabel and Francie in their (by accident!) matching outfits for the Saturday afternoon party

"How come she gets a carrot?"

Isa got one too

Francie is oh-so cooperative for photos these days...

more on that later ;)

Aunt Kat and Oma did a great job putting up photos of Grandma

And of course Aunt Kat put her baking skills to work with YUMMY cakes!

and coconut cupckaes

It was Bill's 35th birthday too... couldn't pass up some Italian Chocolate Wedding Cake

Andrea and Baby Patrick!

Aunt Kat on the brussel sprouts while Donald and Patrick supervise

Back out to the barn... a few cousin-wars over this doll-doll ;)

Lots of fun dirt to get into at Oma and Opas house

No more treats for the horseys Francie, "But they're still HUNGRY MOM!"

Fine I'll just give Sadie more treats

Daddy came out to give Francie a "wide" on the horsey... she's looking a little skeptical once they actually get IN the stall ;)

Look at these silly cousins... Ellie, Kate, Maggie, Francie and Ronan

Matching PJ's for the Heffernan babies... Kate and Francie brushing the rocking horse

Heading up to the playroom

Catch us if you can!

"Did someone just say 'lets get a group photo'? UH-UH-NO-WAY" says Francie!

You can try...

and try...

But Not-A-Chance-Miss-France has her own agenda (sorry Oma!)

The Matthews being much more cooperative... Ellie, Kate and Patrick

"Do I really have to put up with all these GIRLS?"

"They kinda scare me."

Happy Birthday Grandma!

The Heffs!

Donald and Kat

Mark and Sarah with Patrick

Bill (Happy Birthday to you too!) faked Isabel out and pulled her up... usually if he asked to hold her she would shake her head ever so slightly and very politely say "no" :)

The whole crowd

The Heffernan sisters and sisters-in-law!
Maureen, Andrea, Mary, Kat and Sarah

Daddy's Girl

You like that cake Francie? ;)

Francie, Mary, Ronan and Margaret

Late night trips back out to the barn...
Francie's just trying to keep up with the big girls!

Kate and Ellie trying to pet Santi (check out the horses tongue :)

Francie can ALMOST reach!

JUMP-ing Kate

Very interested in the horses eyes and ears... and teeth! (watch out little Doo!)

"More, More Dad!"

Isabel showing her cousins she has horseys in her book too

The big girls working with tools, at night, in the barn, with no shoes on. Oh poor Opa.

"I need tools too mom!"

Isabel says "Hey Francie what do you think we gotta do to get them to let us play too!?"

Back inside Ellie gives Francie some cousin-ly words of wisdom

"I tried to talk her into smiling for a group shot Aunt Mary..."

Oh the torture!

Francie the drama queen

Is it really that bad?

and she's got Isa-bisa worked up!

Ellie says "Get these whiny kids off me."

Aunt Kat saves the day with the bubble-bubble song

Where is Waldo-I-Mean-Cousin-Kate!?

The Karaoke machine came out late night!

and we were so good we left Grandma speechless...

Andrea... you better send me that YouTube duet!
(Think these two on "Total Eclipse of the Heart" :)

Heff and Cousin Carl rocking out

The babies rallied to stay awake but I think our singing sent them running for their cribs

Ellie sighs "I'm related to these people..."

And Francie's out for the count

The karaoke machine was seriously from 1982, look at the TV screen!

and it came with about 300 CD's... but that didn't stop the rock party!

Then the finale... Heff and Craig sang some sappy love song that brought Ellie and Maureen out of their rooms to see live and in person :) It was a fun night!