Santa's Little Helper

Tuesday Francie and I had lunch and did some Christmas (and maternity clothes) shopping with Jannie. Francie was dressed like a patriotic little elf :) She still loves those red shoes! Then we went to playgroup in the afternoon at Asher's house and worked on learning to share since apparently Francie has learned the word and meaning of "MY!" More like "Oh my Francie-pants." (I love that Heff's boots are as big as she is in the picture above and that in order to get her to even remotely look at the camera anymore I have to shoot from my lap, hence the half-head shot)

Francie helped mom wrap some presents after playgroup

and pull some stickers off

She played with this "Not-a-box" all morning... it was a dollbed, a Francie bed, a hiding place, a toy bin and she was wishing and hoping Ollie would jump in and lie "down!" but he wasn't having it!


She got MAD at Ow-wa!

but can't stay mad at her doggie very long... kisses for Ollie!