Christmas Day

I accidentally took the day off from taking pictures on the one day a year most normal people do take a ton of pictures! We got a new "Flip" video camera from my parents I was playing with most of the day. (I'll post some video when I figure out the best way to download and edit but I love it!) But we had a great day on Christmas this year. We let Francie sleep with us and she was so exhausted from the Christmas Eve extravaganza she had no interest in waking up Christmas morning. Even her mom was up and out of bed before she was :) She was kind of rousing at about 8:30am and we asked her if she wanted to get up and see if Santa had come and she said "Noof" and snuggled back under the covers. She finally got up and found her new Cabbage Patch doll "Pattie Evonne" Santa left under the tree and a few other books and treats.

One little video clip I managed to down and upload but forewarning it's not edited and may be more than a little boring for anyone besides her parents to watch :)

We hung out at home watching the rain and wind howling outside before we ventured over to Jannie and Grandpa's house for John's eggs and sausage breakfast. Em and James came over with a whole load of gifts and Francie fell in love with a My Little Pony they gave her who crawls (yes, a crawling horse) and says "HI! I'm Scoot-a-loo!" It's in the picture at the top of the post and it's hilarious :) A few other pictures Uncle James and Em took with James' fancy new camera...

I love you Scoot-a-loo!

Too cool for school

"I thought you were kidding about that lemons in my stocking thing Mom."