Christmas Morning In Red Bluff


... More pictures from Christmas Part II in Red Bluff with all of the Heffernans!! We woke up for a big breakfast and pushed all the couches back for exchanging presents and watching the kiddies open their gifts. It is always fun to re-live Christmas again :) Francie had fun and was only a little overwhelmed by the end of it. It took all morning and was followed quickly by naps... then the pony rides and chicken coop building project ensued.

Francie and Isabel in their matching Christmas outfits

Learning to take turns... we let them duke it out until someone cries :)

2007 babies Francie, Isabel and Ronan

It's fun to "wide" Kate

"Ooooooo!" pretty beads and My Little Pony's in their stockings!

Francie go to borrow her Daddy's stocking Oma made him when he was little

Isabel and her new binky

Sisterly love from Kate and Ellie

I wasn't quick enough to catch this very rare "Cheese!" for the camera

One more try on the group photo... nope, not a chance.

"Help please"

Aunt Andrea reading Isabel a new book

Francie loving her new "Click, Clack, Moo" from her cousins

Cousin Chaos

Kate is very patient with Francie wanting to see/touch/play with all her things

Ellie is the only one who will look at Aunt Mary's camera for a picture, thanks Ellie :)

Twinkie-the-Kid Lunch Box Head

Dad helps open more presents

Andrea got the girls all Christmas Tu-tus!!! These were a huge hit and hardly left theit little waists all weekend

Oma bought the girls all matching Western Wear outfits... "check out this belt mom!"

Francie really wanted to tell Opa about her new belt but he was snoozing through the craziness

She told him all about it anyway

Andrea also unbelievably hand made this family tree for Oma and Opa!! It is gorgeous... she drew the tree on Illustrator, Craig jig-sawed it out from a piece of Oak, she researched all of the family names and dates, gathered the pictures and put together this tree for Claire and Tom. You are amazing Andrea :)

It is so neat to look at over and over

Oma bedazzled little book bags for all the girls! They had their own little Swap Ellie orchestrated to trade books each oth them already had :)

Kate was busy drawing on herself with her new face paint crayons from Aunt Sarah

Ellie helped make sure she covered every inch

Izza in her beloved new tu-tu... she slept in it straight through for two days

Giving some love to Baby Patrick

"I just love him so much I can't contain myself!!"

"Hey he has an ear too!"

"This baby is funny!"

Ellie and Isabel getting a snack

Francie found the pile of German cookies Oma made

Aunt Sarah reading to Francie-pants