Christmas Eve II in Red Bluff

We headed up to Red Bluff bright and early on the 26th to celebrate the holidays in Red Bluff with all the Heffernans. We picked up Maureen, Ellie, Kate and Baby Patrick on the drive up at the Sacramento airport. Francie and I went in to baggage to find them and I came out carrying Francie and Patrick on my pregnant belly with Kate and Ellie towing their rolly back-packs close behind... I got a few looks from people who must have assumed I was right off that Salt Lake City flight :) We arrived at Claire and Tom's around lunch time along with most of the troops to check out the newest addition to the barn... there are too many Red Bluff pictures for one post so here are a couple shots from Heffernan Christmas Eve (Dec 26) and more to come soon!

Izza-Bizza and Francie back in their candy cane footie PJ's

"Hey Biz... don't they know they took pictures of us just like these last time we were in Red Bluff?!"

Funny-Face-Francie laughing at her cousins

Kissing Cousins

more blogs coming very soon... as I sit here inside at Oma and Opa's in my slippers sipping hot tea surrounded by seven other Apple laptops, thank goodness for wireless internet! Half of the group ventured out for a walk but I am vowing not to leave the house other than to visit the horses or check on the progress of the burn pile. It's 43 degrees out but nice and cozy in here by the fire with all the aunts, uncles and cousins :)