The Moral of The Story

Francie's favorite book lately is "The Little Red Hen." It's pretty much the only non-board book she will let you read to her cover to cover and the only one she will flip through page by page by herself. Dad says she is a budding anti-socialist ;)

"Ahh there you are my favorite little book."

"Dad read this one again please"

"Hey, this hen-hen looks a lot like my chick-chicks"

"I'll just read the story again by myself if my parents are too busy taking blog pictures and reading about The Great Alaskan Hunt" (can you guess which parent was occupied with what?:)

"That's right hen-hen, you don't need their help! Especially not that yucky cat..."

"Wait, I forget what happens next... I can't turn the pages fast enough"

"Can you believe they actually wanted to eat the bread when they didn't even help?"

"Good job Little Red Hen. You didn't need the silly Goose, Duck, Cat or Pig to sow, plow, harvest and bake that grain of wheat!"

But even better than a book with a good moral to it... it doesn't get much better than Francie and Heff both asleep on my lap at the end of the night! (sorry about all the sleeping pictures Heff, my camera was sitting right next to me, I couldn't resist holding it over my head and shooting you and Francie sleeping like babies!)