Willows Dad's Caroling Night

Friday night was the big Willows Dad's Group Christmas Caroling Expedition... or boondangle or disaster or whatever you want to call it :) They started at the local preschool with a wagon full of beer and egg nog and made their way through they neighborhood with a song list and guitar accompaniment. It was a pretty impressive turnout of at least 20 dads and they actually sang (I guess most would after enough alcohol:) Francie greeted them on the porch and danced while they sang then asked for "more please!" They moved on but made their way back to our house around 10:30 for the finale with Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song and continued the party in our backyard. I made them muffins but they devoured them and ordered two large pizzas and made a last minute trip to Willows Market before it closed when they ran out of beer. Rumor has it a few of the dad's had a little trouble getting out of bed the next day :)

Francie just hanging out with the guys... late night pizza and beer, ummmmm.

The empties as evidence the next morning :)