Christmas "Yights!"

Thursday night we lit up the house with Christmas lights finally! Francie loves driving through the neighborhood looking at the "yights" and was in heaven when she saw them lit up on her house. It was soo cold this weekend we hurried inside when we were done but she kept standing against the window with her nose on the glass to "yook!" at the lights. Heff wanted colored lights on the house (I voted for white but he won when he reminded me how much more fun colored would be for Francie... and OH do they blink, 16 different ways;) We got the tree in the house and set up but opted for vegging on the couch with Francie and laptops and put off lights and decorations for one more night, that post to follow. We're in the Christmas Spirit now!

"So you say our house will look as cool the neighbors Dad?"

Emma and Chrissie came over to check out the progress... Feel free to make fun of my outfit Baby Ann, Francie said "ho-ho" and called me Santa. ouch.

All lit up

Spooky Francie with her MagLite (which she calls the "Chick-chick" since she associates it with going out at night with dad to 'tuck the chickens in':)

"Let me outta here Mom!"

We brought the tree in after we did the lights... it left a trail of pine needles on the floor of course and Francie did not like the mess on her floor. She walked all over the needles saying "Hay?!" like the alfalfa all over Oma's barn!