More Thanksgiving Fun

Uncle James proud of those pies! (which I just had leftovers of last night... still so good:)

ABA says "It's good now stop taking close ups of me." (see picasa album for proof:)

Emmy, Claire and Mimi clapping for Francie when she scares them with "BOO!"

Sleepy girl with my god-daughter and Gaunty Mimi :)


Sisters! ABA... move home already ;)

Playing a big game of Left-Right-Center... guess who won? JANNIE!

Up from her little siesta in PJ's for late night

Caroline put on a show for all of us including renditions of almost every disney princess song there is... she was quite the performer!! We couldn't get enough :)

She wanted everyone to have a piece of fruit from the basket before she could start and Heff got busted halfway through "I walked with you once upon a dreeeaaammm!" for setting his pear on the table.

The Arnerich girls


For the final song we all had to close our eyes while she sang :) Thanks Caroline!

Francie trying to figure out how she and doll-doll and Grampa can top this

Oh the Little Doo is happy back being a center of attention :)

PJ's and BOOTS! (her new blue rain boots Dad is so proud he found at Redwood Trading Post for $10.98... what a steal:)

The babies of the families

Putting doll-doll to bed. We all followed suit soon after except for Mimi, Claire, Emmy (and a reluctant Drew, Con and Andy) who hit the Gilroy outlets at midnight for the 50% everything Black Friday sale... they are crazy!