Thanksgiving with Francie!

Thursday we spent Thanksgiving at my parents house with lots of family and friends. All the Simos, Heffs, Kreefts, Beldings, Griesediecks and Forsts were out to celebrate together, play a few games and eat lots and lots of food. We had way more food than 30+ of us could eat but isn't that the way it's supposed to be on Thanksgiving?! James and Em signed up for pie duty this year and spent most of Wednesday and Thursday morning on four masterful pies, Heff and I made our favorite side dish of brussel sprouts, Mimi made the famous artichoke dip and cranberry-apple crumble, Kaky made yummy sweet potato casserole, Jackie made a great salad, Sue brought a huge dish of creamed spinach and cheese, Marla and Joe made fancy brussel sprouts with bacon and cheese (you can never have too many:) and Jannie and John did a 30-pound Turkey and a big Arnerich-style ham covered in beer and dry mustard, the best stuffing ever (umm sausage), homemade mustard, a new cranberry sauce, pea-bacon-cheese salad, garlic mashed potatoes and a few things I'm sure I'm forgetting. With a few games in the backyard, Turkey Trivia by Kaky, lots of kids and babies for entertainment it was a great afternoon and evening!

Francie showed the "big girls" Caroline and Molly her nursery/playroom but she bee-lined it back downstairs to see who else was showing up at the door

James and Em showing off their Pumpkin Bourbon Cheesecake, Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie and Homemade Lemon Meringue (James even rolled the homemade crust!)

Quite impressive huh?! (James also hand carved the cookie toppers from a photo!) Top Chef James?

Team Emmy, Claire and Francie playing Corn-Hole in the backyard

Emmy LOVES Francie and Francie LOVES her EMM-mee!

The Forst's brought their own coolers to the party (our kind of friends) full of a home brew beer

Em, James and Baby Ann

Francie snuck away..."These kids don't know about my secret Jannie garden!"

Our ATTEMPT at a Simo family Christmas Card Picture... don't worry, this one DOES NOT spoil the surprise :)

Neither do these...

Sleeping babies... must be all that turkey. Jackson in the pram and Brooke asleep in the chair with her Grandpa Jack.

James and Em with Francie-Pants-I-Mean-Fancy-Skirt

Heff showing the boys how it's done... 21 to 1, sorry Drew.

Drew and Dylan try to hold their own. No mercy from Heff!

Cousins Emmy and Claire with cousins Caroline and Molly (ironically Emmy and Molly both have a twin brother and a "girl" cousin close to their age... everyone thought these little girls in their cute matching dresses were the twins!)

Boys watching football.

Loading up the plates for Turkey Dinner

Johners at the "kids" table... no beer allowed? He's 21.. and JUST started drinking right Johners?

"I'm ready for some Turkey and Stuffing Jannie!"

Getting lovin' from Claire and Emmy!

Drew trying to explain to us how he was the only person in his class who voted No on Prop 2 (if you're like Emmy you asked what the heck Prop 2 was)

The girls

"Com'on Claire! My peas and mashed potatoes can't be worse than your dorm food!"

The little girls lounging at their picnic table

Turkey Trivia Time! Every year Aunt Kaky writes up some "Turkey Trivia" questions for some good old competition thrown into the family holidays... this years included some "general trivia" for the non family members in addition to the family-based trivia questions (ie how many letters are in Francie's given name?) :) Good job Aunt Kaky!

After some review, we had a dead even tie between sisters Jannie and Mimi. I love this picture... Kaky is shocked!

Three rounds of tie-breaker questions...

and Jannie emerged the winner and took home a $50 cash prize! Mimi placed second with a 25th anniversary Trivial Pursuit game :)

Jannie always wins! She's not competitive at all ;)

Jonathon got a big chocolate Turkey for the "loser prize" with only five questions right :)

The Arnerich sisters... still love each other!

These guys bowed out when they saw a few pop culture icon questions on the trivia game sheet :)

Time for PIE!

Happy Thanksgiving! (late night pictures post to follow!)