Thanksgiving Weekend in Red Bluff

Friday morning we packed up early and headed up north to Red Bluff to spend the weekend with Oma and Opa, Nana and Pops. It was an unusual holiday weekend as we were the only visitors there! All of the other Heff kids were traveling this year so Francie was spoiled with lots of attention from her Oma and Opa.

The ladies were all accidentally dressed alike on Friday night in jeans and black t-shirts (well, the twins usually always accidentally dress alike somehow:) It was pretty crazy when we got home Sunday night (after 505 traffic and a stop for a few choo-choo rides at the NEW Nut Tree!) I was downloading pics with Francie on my lap and Heff checking them out from the lounge chair in the office... he asked Francie who's who in the pictures and IN EVERY picture including the one above she identified "Oma" (Claire, right) versus "Nana" (Cathleen, left) I mean... it took me a few months after I met all the Heffs to be sure who was who and my 14 month old can do it already!?

"YAY! We're in Red Bluff!!!"

Oma made a pretty impressive Apple Pie too!

Saturday Heff and Francie got started early on the finishing up the new big red barn so we could bring some horses over to their new home! The goats had free range of the place before... Pierre here is not so sure about all of this change :)

"Humm... Dad I think you should use the impact drill for that one" I was so proud of my handy husband jumping right in to build fences, stalls and gates. He is the best :)

Bringing the farm fencing down to the barn with dad on the "cah-cah"

"Where do you want it Dad?"

"GOOOOOats... I gotta treat for you!"

Milk break

"That looks about straight Dad."

This is her best "LOOK! but don't touch the water!"

We love Oma and Opa's Big Red Barn!

After two new fences, six stall walls, moving the water and putting in a new gate... we're ready for horses!

Off to pick up Mom's ponies! (Safety first right Dad:)

Unloading into their new home

I love this picture... the twins Claire and Cathleen leading the horses into a pretty idyllic setting up there. Francie is watching to make sure her lucky horseys are following along :)

Claire with Santi (aka Sancho Panza, but we didn't want poor old Bob to feel bad about a lesser name so I shortened it to Santi when I got him;) and Cathleen with Ole Bob


Happy horses

Not a bad life here in retirement for these guys

Francie was so excited, she was in awe of the fact Oma had "click-click, go-go" horses HERE. I am pretty excited to have my old horses right here in Oma and Opa's backyard to visit all the time too. Thanks for keeping them so happy for the past few years Kristie, Brendon, Madeline, Spencer and Eva! They look great :)

Not going anywhere...

Getting down and dirty in the mud... she's happy!

Hummm... good luck lifting that post with your little bum on it Francie

These guys are inseparable now

Opa likes the new additions too :)

Just hauling gear mom.

WHAT is Oma doing? You mean you can ride these things!?!

Looking good on Santi there Claire! (my old polo gear... "MRS" saddle pads for Mary Regan Simonson, I got made fun of a lot for those on the field:)

Poor old Bob in the corner behind the burn pile (can't wait to see Francie's reaction to the burn party at Christmas!) was a little upset his friend left him behind

"I'm next right?"

What a big girl

Just don't get too fond of horses Francie.

Makes me pretty happy... my cute husband, my cute baby girl, and my silly old horses :)

Thanks for making a home for our horses Oma and Opa!