Sunday Fun

Sunday we lounged around the house, went to the park and had Hacienda "authentic" burritos for lunch. I ordered a new Bounce House for Brilliant Babies (we always have one indoors for the winter) and somehow we ended up with two new "Jungle Safari Slide" bounce houses so logically I brought one home for our house :) Dad was a good sport and set it up in the front yard for some afternoon Fun on Sunday. Francie LOVED it and even figured out how to crawl up the climbing wall and go "weeee!" down the slide. We were a big hit in the neighborhood for awhile...

Who needs a bounce house... this blue tarp is just as much fun!

Here it comes...

"Hi Hi!"

She's the queen of this castle for now :)

The elephant's trunk on the other side is a slide into a pit you can fill with balls or water :) This thing is awesome!

Francie coming down the slide...

Mom too!

It didn't take long for Emma and Owen to run on over! Owen asked why we didn't invite any of Francie's friends over to Francie's party :)

Even Dad got in to join the fun...

But Francie was NOT happy having to share her space with both of her "too big" parents :)

She got us back... while Heff and I were still inside the bounce house (with an opening the proper size for a 4 year old) Francie went down the slide, walked right on over to the blower and stepped on the hose to pull it off! The bounce house went DOWN fast with both of us scrambing to find our way out:)

Sunday night we had cracked crab dinner at my parents house... all of my siblings and their "significant others" were there to join again! It was a fun night although Francie wasn't feeling 100%... ABA feeding Francie some snacks

The guys hanging out in the kitchen

The little sicky snuggled up in the TV room with her doll-doll, a cashmere blankie and Happy Feet. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday night.

You'll see it here before it debuts on JanKnits!... Jannie just finished a new winter hat for the Doo.

Silly Uncle James trying to squeeze into it!

that outta keep her head warm!

"I LOVE my new hat..."

"Thanks Jannie!"