A Picture of New Baby Heff

Heff and I went in for an ultrasound yesterday and got to see lots of Baby Heff Part II! This was the anatomy ultrasound so we were in there for about an hour and they got 100 pictures to check out. We didn't watch the first part so we wouldn't see anything that gives away a baby boy or baby girl but in the end the tech showed us lots of the face, arms, legs and everything... it is always so cool to see. The baby is stretched out with it's head on my right side and the feet all the way on the left... don't get used to lounging around with all that space Cletus Repeatus. Francie liked to see the pictures when we got home and calls the black and white blob "Be-be!" :) She does put her hand on my belly and says "kick!" but I don't think she really knows she'll have a real live "doll-doll" sister or brother soon enough!