A Night at The Condo

We're so glad to have Heff back! He got in late Friday night and Francie ran to the door when she heard the diesel engine pulling into the driveway... She was so excited to see her Dad and was telling him all about her week (which basically revolved around explaining how the dogs were bad... "Oww-wa, 'Stoph, NO-NO! NO-NO!") We hung out around the house Saturday morning, went to the park and unpacked the hunting gear. Heff did not get a deer on this trip which he was a little disappointed about, they saw 60+ bucks the first day but didn't want to shoot on the first day of a five day hunt... and then didn't get a good shot at a big one the rest of the trip. But he had fun out in the elements, snow flurries and 10 degree weather and all.

Waiting for the Choo-Choo with her Daddy

Saturday night James and Em were going to babysit Francie at the boys (my brother's) condo in San Francisco while we had dinner out in the city... our plans changed when two of the couples we were supposed to have dinner with couldn't make it so we switched gears and had a "Sibling's Night" at the condo with all four of us! James and Em ordered pizzas and pastas and Francie got to entertain her aunts and uncles and be the center of attention for the night... until we broke out the Playstation and Rock Band. Baby Ann was pondering if we'd ever all had dinner together WITHOUT Mom and Dad there! We had so much fun and their place looks great, they moved some things around and added a little decorating flare (good work Em.) The train was so easy and it was great to see how excited (and slightly overwhelmed!) Francie was to be getting on her most talked about form of transportation for a ride. Thanks for a great night up in the city James, Em, Jer and Allison!

Here comes the train and loading up!

Very proud to have her own ticket to give to the conductor

"Mom stop taking pictures... I see Uncle James!"

James looking for us on the sidewalks from the train station with his spotting scope... he sees us too after I flashed the camera a few times!

This was Francie's FIRST trip to the boys condo if you can believe it... we don't get out in the city much!

Getting off the elevator with Dad

Uncle James and Uncle Jerry let her blow out all the candles in the house...

Uncles always let you do the fun stuff Mom and Dad don't let you do :)

"Wow, we are pretty high up here!"

Auntie Em and Francie snacking on Salt & Vinegar Pringles... can you tell by the look on Francie's face?

They sure spoil her... Uncle James lit the candles AGAIN for his god-daughter to blow out!

And Em brought out the freaky talking Monkey... Francie was trying to give it hugs and high fives but it would whack her in the head every time she went in for a hug

It's gonna get you Francie!

Pretty girls Auntie Baby Ann, Francie and Auntie Em

Jerry and Allison came back from watching the "Big Game" today... no not Stanford/Cal, it was Cal Poly/Wisconsin of course (both Cal Poly alums:)

Pat and Ann up in the city too for some sight-seeing while he is here for a visit! His first time to SF... always lots to see.

The Heff's happy to be hanging out with the crowd

Francie is ready to wail on Rock Band

Mom's turn... sorry Francie this is serious

Francie had to watch from Dad's shoulders so she didn't disturb the game playing...

All my siblings in one place :)

James, Jerry and Pat rockin' Rock Band

Sleepy girl... time to catch the 9:00 train back to Menlo Park!

The big girl gets her own seat this time! (we found an empty 4-pack of "facing each other seats" this time)

Silly Francie

Looking for whatever trouble she can get into from her throne

"What? That sticker isn't there for me to pull off and put on my shirt?"

"My parents must not know they have wireless on these trains... I could be checking my email instead of reading this baby book, geez."

Francie fell asleep about half way home... Dad though it was a perfect opportunity to show off her teddy-bear-tights-bum :) (We love the train, not only do they have internet you can DRINK too!)