Keeping Tabs on Dad

Heff is 167 miles from being home with his girls! And I know this thanks to "The Spot," my favorite new gadget.

Heff got a handheld GPS Satellite device before he left on his trip that he pushes a button on periodically and it emails me his location coordinates and link to a Google Map which shows me right where he is all the time :) It was really neat while he was on his hunting trip this week to watch his daily hikes out in the hills of Eastern Montana looking for deer, checking in to see when they got out (4am!) when they went back to the cabin for beers and naps and the new ranches they were out on each day. I usually had a few "Spots" to check out by the time I woke up in the morning :) Probably a little "TMI" for most people but it is a great way to feel like you are keeping in touch and see that he is safe (kind of like "" Goody?) He is making the 20 hour drive home in the truck with Mike right now and we've watched their progress through Montana, Idaho, Nevada and finally now back in California. Over 1,000 miles in one day!

We're off to dinner with my parents, Auntie Baby Ann and her new boyfriend Pat who is visiting for part of the Thanksgiving week. Hope we like him ;) We're so excited she is going to be home for a week!