We Love Emmy

Wednesday Francie and I picked up Emmy at the San Jose State library (good girl Em, Uncle John is very proud :) and hit our favorite cheesy mall, Valley Fair, for some serious shopping. The place eats you alive like a Vegas casino but it has tons of good baby shops and of course the "Picture People" for our token mall photo shoot. After a four hour trip around the mall, two hot-dogs-on-a-stick and 8 mini-cinnabon-twists we found the car and cruised through the carpool lane back to the Johnets. Em stayed for a sleepover in her old room and we hung out with Jannie until my Dad got home. John took us all out for Sushi at Bonsai for dinner! (I know, pregnancy + sushi = no no but I ate lots of BBQ eel and left the raw sashimi for the rest of them :) Francie wanted nothing to do with the tofu bits in the soup this time... her Dad has rubbed off on her in her old age. Then we had a sleepover party at home with buttery popcorn, checking our favorite blogs and wasting time on Facebook.

"MOM, this is the FIFTH ride Emmy has put quarters in for me! How come you never have so many quarters?!"

"Just driving along, no hands..."

Ohh bracelets and Emm-mee... Two of Francie's favorite things:)

Sushi girls!

Making Fishy-Faces with Emmy at Bonsai like the Koi fish in the ponds

When is the next sleepover Emmy!?