Sleepovers at Sophie's

Heff has been hunting in Eastern Montana all week and he get's back today finally! Francie and I have literally moved in to Jannie and Grampa's since he left a week ago. WE MISS HIM! Francie got so sad the other day when we were at the office and she pointed towards his office and very excitingly said "Go-Go! Da-Da!" and I had to tell her Dad was gone, she didn't believe me so we walked into Dad's office, she practically ran to his desk but when she saw his empty chair she turned around, put her finger on her quivering lower lip and started bawling... it was so sad! Of course Heff loves to hear that he is missed that much. We've had a GREAT week being well taken care of at Jannie and Grampa's but we are so excited for Dad to get home and to hear about his trip. We are never letting him leave for a whole week ever again.

PS... Like the new blog layout? :)