Hanging Out at Jannie and Grampa's

This weekend Heff was out of town hunting geese and deer in Eastern Montana so Francie and I moved in to Jannie and Grampa's house! (Yes, we packed bags to head 6 blocks away:) It's been fun to have Jannie and Grampa to spoil us and they kept us busy all weekend. Friday afternoon Uncle Jerry was sleeping over too before he took the GMAT on Saturday in San Jose (he did great, god job Jer!) We tried not to bug him too much while he took his practice tests up in his old room. Francie got lots of attention and we had Joy, Kelly and Shannon over for dinner Friday night (I can't believe I didn't get any pictures though Kelly!) We had lots to distract us from missing Dad too much :)

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" Uncle Jerry let her watch Happy Feet trailers on YouTube for a looong time.

When we were all sick of watching penguins sing and dance she took matters into her own hands...

This little monkey can not be left to her own devices for long! (but at least her mother is taking pictures instead of immediately getting her safely down:)

THAT looks like a Heffernan baby! (maybe even a Heffernan Boy ;)

"Oops. Did I forget to brush my bed-head hair?"