Francie's Best Friends

If you ask Francie who her best friend is she says "Emma Emma" followed closely by "Ow-wo" and "Kriss!" She loves to talk about about our neighbors Emma, Owen, Chrissie (and Miles too although he doesn't get nearly as much air time:) Every night we sing goodnight to Mommy and Daddy, Jannie and Grampa, Oma and Opa and then of course Ollie, Emma, Ow-wo and Kriss! Emma and Owen came over Thursday night for a visit. They had to pick out a new outfit for Francie... she is a willing participant to play doll with her friends :)

Follow the big kids Francie!

Owen found Heff's deer antlers on the porch and asked him "Did you have to make a Moose dead to get those?"

Off with the dress...

Owen has to hold her still while Emma puts on a new dress for "Ms.Fancy-Nancy-Francie-pants"

"Mom why isn't it this much fun when you dress me?"

"Can you teach me how to do that Ow-wo?"