Saturday at Jannie and Grampa's

Saturday we hung out in our PJ's while Grampa made us eggs and toast for breakfast. Francie and I went on a walk with Sophie in the Pram to Peninsula School (our old stomping grounds Beth and Jill!) to terrorize the playgrounds. I hardly had to do any stroller pushing on our walk... Sophie pulled the pram like a horse and cart the whole way! Just a little steering on the bumpy streets. Then we helped Jannie get ready for a dinner party with their "Italian Trip" friends the Accorneros, Worthings and Skidmores. For dinner my dad got fresh live crab, the first of the season! It was YUMMY and Francie even tried some crab smothered in my grampa's famous sauce. She kept everyone entertained until 11pm and the adults lost track of time talking politics and the state of the economy (how many times did my Dad say "dip-shit"? ;) until 1:00am. It's busy hanging out at the Johnets!

Emmy's Photoshop contribution :)

Sophie wishes she could play on the teeter-totter too :)

Good old wooden playgrounds taste pretty good

"Come pull the cah-cah like you pulled the Pram 'Toph!?"

All dressed up for dinner time back in the Pram to play

Hors d'oeuvres with the ladies... Francie was very interested in "dipping" her pear slices in the Stilton stinky cheese ;)

"Why is Mr. Worthing so kindly helping me clean my cheese-covered hands? Doesn't he know Sophie will just lick them for me."

The table set for a fall dinner... Francie's high chair front and center (the high chair Jannie just confessed she bought before she was even married!)


Francie and I made little pumpkin place cards for the guests

Jannie and Grampa busy cooking away in the kitchen!

In her PJ's indulging in a little apple crisp with LOTS of whipped cream and ice cream

"More please!"