Francie and her Chick-chicks

Thursday Dad took on the big (stinky) job of cleaning out the chicken coop. Francie tried to help and is getting a little more used to the chick-chicks being on the outside of their cage :) They did peck at my nail polish (there goes my pedicure) but tolerated "pets" from Francie pretty well and snatched up all the food she has dropped daily trying to feed them their scratch. Somewhere along the way "What does a chicken say" changed from "cheek-cheek!" to "BAAAAAAAAKKKK!" She sits at the cage and screams "BAAAAAAAAKKKK!" when no one is looking :) Her favorite place to sneak away to is the chicken coop. Heff and I watched her from her nursery windows the other day and were laughing for a full 20 minutes as she walked around having a conversation with the chickens and Ollie, usually finding a reason to yell at one of them ("Awwww-WAAA!" when he digs at the coop.) She loves her animals and didn't get that gene from her mother!

Trying to get her chickens to lie "down" like her doggie does... good luck with that one France. (Do you like the one-leg-up-one-leg-down look?)

"Get BAAACK in your coop chick-chicks!"

"Dad, don't let these things fly away."

Watch your toes Francie!

THANKS for cleaning the coop for me Heff!

"That was a close one..."
*Francie is wearing her polo-horsey dress in honor of her pet horse Bob (mom's old polo pony) up in Red Bluff who had a touch-and-go-night with a case of colic and almost didn't make it... but he pulled through! We owe Kristie Flynn and Greg Weber HUGE for taking good care of him all night and day. We're glad he didn't kick the bucket right before we move them to Oma's new barn!! Glad you pulled through old Bob and THANKS Kristie and Web :)