Cletus Repeatus

Auntie Baby Ann left a little remark on this picture of Francie in my Picasa album: "Maybe she just realized Cletus 2 might interfere with her being able to go to ABA's graduation Part 2. I'd be pissed too Francie!" Haha :) We will hit 20 weeks this week and are hopefully halfway to a new baby brother or sister for Francie! I am feeling great and started to feel kicks this past week, it's fun to have a little buddy reminding me it's there all the time. When I was pregnant with Francie we called her "Cletus the Fetus" (I promise there is a good story behind it) and today our friend Goody called this baby, very appropriately "Cletus Repeatus!" 20 weeks to go Francie... enjoy being an only child it while it lasts :)