Lunch Date with Auntie Baby Ann

Friday when ABA was here we had a fun girls lunch at the Rotunda at Neiman Marcus in the city and Em, Marla and Jackson joined us too. Francie had to share Jannie with another baby but she dealt with it pretty well :) We all had yummy popovers that we got the recipe for and Jannie made them Saurday night for James' birthday dinner. ABA commented they didn't taste quiet the same without the NM "strawberry infused butter." Snob. It was a fun lunch but Jannie and I didn't last long following the shopping maniacs around after lunch, we headed home and left them to their own devices (can't wait until my sister has to pay ALL of her own bills :)

Baby Ann and her "plus one" date Christine :)

Em on her lunch break with Marla and I (I was impressed Marla managed to a) look so cute and b) get herself and a 3-month old baby (also looking adorable) up to Union Square to deal w parking and a stroller by herself!)

Ann, Jannie and Baby Jackson

"What? I know he's cute but can he tell you what an Elk says?"