Francie Gets a Weekend SURPRISE

Auntie Baby Ann surprised us and came home this weekend!!! She and her roommate Christine flew in Thursday night and were at our house playing with Francie when I got home from a meeting... I was so excited to see my pissy-sissy! They had dinner with us Thursday night and Friday we went into the city for shopping and lunch (Ann, send me those pictures off your camera sometime in the next decade please:) Friday night she and Christine stayed in the city with my brothers and recovered from their hangovers Saturday morning in time to do some more shopping around here too (Ann should be a professional "find-good-deals-without-losing-your-mind-at-Marshalls" shopper. Francie had fun showing ABA all her new tricks.

Saturday Heff flew down to LA for the day for a friend's wedding reception in Hermosa Beach. Francie and I stayed home as she wasn't feeling all that great (Baby Ann made me promise not to talk about her TMI "issues" on the blog but let's just say she was dragging prune juice in sippy cups everywhere she went for a few days... but don't worry it all "worked out" by Sunday night:)

We walked down to the Menlo Park library Saturday morning to see Tom the Old Firetruck and meet the police dogs but Francie was asleep when we got there so we met the Johnets at Cafe Barrones for breakfast

Jannie and Francie

Francie going to put her money she pulled out of Jannie's wallet in the "wa-wa" fountain

All gone!

Saturday night was James' 29th birthday! We had a party at my parents house and even Francie got in on a game of "Left-Right-Center"

ABA found Francie's Halloween costume... a big chicken! I wasn't going to ruin the costume surprise, but I didn't take enough pictures of Baby Ann and Francie (the little Doo was not too happy to be picked up in this picture, but she loves chick-chicking around in her costume!)

At the dinner table... Uncle James, Ann and her "plus one" Christine posing on the bench seats :), Uncle Jerry and Allison

Joe and Marla (Em's parents) there to celebrate too

"Ohhh... more crackers please."

Poor Francie has a big bruise on her cheek... she was crawling up a shelf in my office to get her juice I left up too high and a heavy folding chair fell on her!

Em brings the Chocolate Pots de Creme for dessert

After leaving at 10am, Daddy was home by 7:30pm for dinner! YAY!

Sunday we did some chores around the house... Francie's FAVORITE new chore is helping Dad tune up the four-wheeler :)

Yummmmy. Prune juice on the "cah-cah" :)