Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Patch

Today Jannie and I made the trek over to Half Moon Bay to the big Pumpkin Patch. It was pretty quiet on a weekday afternoon and we had the place almost to ourselves, including the pony rides, bounce houses, "petting zoo," train-rides, pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins. Francie went nuts when she saw the ponies and Jannie spoiled her and bought her TWO rides this time (it was the same pony ride Francie did at the San Mateo County Fair a couple months ago). It was sooo much fun we have to go back again soon with Dad!

"You're saying we get to go to the Pumpkin Patch place AGAIN!"

"Will this outfit work for the Pumpkin Patch? (Don't tell mom I told you... but this one is NOT from Le Cirque. She got it at that Target place for 8 bucks and that wasn't even on sale!)"

Mom and the Doo at the Pumpkin Patch!

Jannie and Francie... Jannie used to bring us here every year when we were little :)

Francie was not that into the petting zoo... they had goats, ducks, chickens and bunnies in this little pen but she wanted nothing to do with them. It didn't help the ponies were right next to the "zoo."

"Come on Francie... PET them!" (she's holding on for dear life)

"Now this is more like it."

"Get out of the way mom... you're in my pony pictures."

Francie picked her pumpkin out but got frustrated when she couldn't lift it herself so Jannie had to help her carry it to the wagon.

We told her "This one is for Daddy and this one is for Mommy and this one is for Francie!" She looked at us and said "Ow-wa?" like "Doesn't Ollie get one too?" :)

Causing a ruckus in the bounce house

"Oh no. I think I just got my socks dirty." (Do they make a "Little Miss Cleanliness" t-shirt?)

Francie and Mom in the giant clown face wind tunnel thing with balloons flying everywhere...

"Jannie you gotta get in this thing."

I thought it was a little weird but I have to admit this thing was pretty fun! Jannie was taking these pictures from an air vent in the side only as big as the camera lens :)

Since there was no one there the bounce house guy told us to go down the slide all we wanted... no one told me it would be a little tricky to climb UP the slide with my double-layer-anti-blister socks still on! I almost killed us both just climbing the thing.


She is obviously not as scared of it as I was :) My elbow lost half it's skin trying to slow us down.

Jannie's turn...

Uh, Jannie. The top of the slide is not a bounce house :)



I'd like to see how many other grandmothers take their grandbabies on the super slide!? Good job Jannie :)

I took Francie one last time (without socks) and the old bounce house guy yelled "throw her down by herself!" (he was obviously very bored) and I DID! Oooops. Don't listen to old bounce house controllers Mary! She FLEW down the thing and caught some serious air when she hit the landing... but she was smiling :)

"One more time PLEASE!?!" (How do you say no to this face?)

"Hey. You're in our space buster."

The horse named "Fancy" was perfect for "Francie" :)

"Catch ya later lame petting zoo... I'm on a PONY!"

Loading up the car... no more pumpkins in our wagon

"Do you think I picked out good ones?"

"Oh no. I forgot to get pumpkins for my chickens!"

Hanging out in Jannie's new car! (on the way home from dropping Ann off at the airport Sunday John and Jannie found a barely used Suburban to get Jan out of her old "little" car :) It's very pretty, nice and safe and completes our family's collection of gas-guzzling vehicles)