Daddy-Doodle Duo Weekend

Heff had Francie-pants on his own Thursday afternoon through Sunday afternoon and loved every minute of his Daddy time. I was impressed and he did a great job taking good care of Francie. She was soo cute after the weekend attached to her dad's hip. I left Brian with a Daddy-frendly-diaper-bag (as in one that doesn't look like a purse... in green camo of course) stocked with supplies AND a camera :) He promised me he would take pictures of the outfits he put Francie in... I got a few at least! Saturday he took Francie to the Stanford vs Arizona football game with Francie's playgroup friend Isaac and his dad Chad who played for Stanford (both Dad's were on their own all weekend!) They walked down to the game with Grampa and Jannie who were sure to be in attendance since Jannie is a fierce UofA alum and fan! She made an Arizona onesie for Francie since she coudln't get any cheerleader outfits shipped off in time. Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy from Oregon were here for the alumni game and reunion weekend so they got to spend lots of time with Francie and show her off at the tailgates. (Aunt Francy tells her friends she never liked her name until little Francie came along!) Uncle Bob came over for breakfast Sunday morning and Heff made a huge batch of pancakes and sausage while Opa Bob helped Francie with her chores, feeding her chick-chicks. She is a lucky girl to have the Daddy she does!

We had a family lunch date at Shiok downtown on Thursday before I left

"Wait. WHAT? You're leaving me mom?"

Francie-pants out of the stroller and ready to rock the football game

Francie and her Opa Bob!

What football game? They have BALLOONS!

Bob, Jannie, Grampa and Francie... Stanford AND Arizona fans in one shot ;)

Francie and Isaac climbing all over the bleachers. Heff reported they both got B+'s for their behavior sitting through the game... not bad :)

Bear-down Arizona!

When I got back on Sunday Francie was SOOO CUTE! Heff had her well dressed (per moms request:) in her Wranglers and she even had a bow in her hair. She gave me the biggest hug (although I think she was just trying to get me to take her closer to the airplanes) and I swear she looked older after four days away! It was a great weekend of pampering and worth it to hear the stories of how much fun Heff had with Francie all to himself... but I'm glad to be home!

Fuzzy Crocs, diaper, wife-beater, sherpa hat. Wow, I wish I could report this was a "Dad-picked" outfit but this was Francie's get-up playing at home last night :) She loves this hat.