A One Year Old... Officially

We went in to the pediatrician's office this morning for a slightly delayed 1-year visit with Dr. Cisco. We are doing a slow vaccination schedule so her appointment was later than her real 12-month birthday (she's 13 months this week!). She brought Dr. Cisco, Dr. Nolan, Dr. Morton and Nurse Kathy each a 6-pack carton of "Francie's Farm Fresh Eggs" from her chickens... Dad thought maybe we should include a salmonella disclaimer on them :) They were excited for the fresh brown eggs anyway. Francie crawled all over the office while Dr. Cisco checked her out. She's growing and healthy at 21 1/2 pounds (50%) and 31 inches (97%) and she has a big head (I forget the measurement). Her Dad held her down for the two shots which she was not too fond of but recovered quickly with a "funny guy" stickers-on-a-tongue depressor-puppet.

Happy girl in a pretty dress

Going in for a Sophie kiss

and knocked down by the slobbering doggie!

Sophie says "Opps. Sorry, you okay baby?"

About to get frustrated when she can't stand up (don't you hate it when your feet get stuck on your dress?)


Making the rounds to her favorite things in the garden with her Jannie

"Woah, woah, woah" twirling again!

Taking a break