Mom's Weekend Away

This weekend I was at a spa in Sedona called "mii amo" with a group of 11 girls for a baby shower for my friend Anne. We were all SOOO spoiled with 2-3 treatments a day for three full days! When we weren't too busy getting pampered we lounged around the pool, hung out in our sweats, ate a lot of food and even had some "mocktails" from the juice bar. The weather was chilly Saturday but we didn't mind being cooped up too much :) The girls are all a lot of fun and we left refreshed and ready to go back to our babies at home! (The best part of the weekend was that HEFF got to spend four full days with his baby girl! Pictures and updates of their Daddy-Doo adventure to follow :)

The girls at our spa breakfast (portion control at it's finest:)

The Baby Belly!

Room service dinner after massages, facials, wraps and astrology readings

We decorated onesies for the baby... I made the "I eat Red Meat" one since they are sort of vegetarians but always forced to eat meat at our house :)

We had a lunchtime party to shower Anne with gifts for the baby! We tied a blue ribbon around everyone's wrist to send a wish to the baby with the intent to wear the "string" until she had the baby but most of them fell off in our "treatments"!

Cupcakes.... yummm.

The lunch was at the resort (we stayed at the spa part) called Enchantment

"GooGoo gaga"

Check out these high tops! Size TWO! (Francie already wears a size FIVE... these are TINY!)

I gave Anne a "50% Mama n 50% Papa" outfit for the 23andMe genetic experiment :)

Goodbye Sedona Red Rocks!