Busy Girl

We've had a busy week and haven't updated the blog in a few days... Monday we finished painting Dad's office and bought lots of new furniture to deck it out, Tuesday was Grandpa and Jannie's 31st anniversary so we all went out to dinner at Izzy's Steak House to celebrate and Wednesday was an action packed playdate day!

Francie helping Dad cook dinner... she has big feet and long toes like her mom which comes in handy sometimes when you don't have an extra hand :)

Tuesday Night @ Izzy's

I guess we know for sure these two have spent the past 31 years together... they got each other the same card!

James and Em helped keep Francie entertained

Francie has discovered how much fun Em's hair is...

and her fingers...

Uncle Jerry must have been making faces at Francie...

she got the lip pout going and got MAD!

Dad had the magic touch and got her back to a happy place:)

Happy Anniversary Jan and John :)

Playdate Wednesday

We had breakfast at our old favorite "Ann's Coffee Shop" Wednesday morning with Jen before she heads back to New York for a few weeks. It was fun to catch up and we hope she comes back really soon. Then we had a playdate lunch (that turned into a 4 hour visit!) with the babies, went to work for a little while and then had another playdate with Alexis and James at their house! Francie was so tired after her big day she fell asleep at 7pm, since her usual bedtime is closer to 10pm, we'll see if she makes it through the night.

Wes, Leo, Francie, Estelle and Aliza (Asher had gone home for a nap)

Babies starting to get mad...

Leo and Francie are not happy... Wes, Estelle and Aliza are wondering what is wrong with those two!

"Aliza help I have a baby on my lap!"

Hanging out with Cowboy Wes

Icie, Estelle and Leo (trying to teach the babies how to crawl since he's the senior baby in the bunch)

Francie wrestling with Leo... with Wes sleeping away right next to them

Cute litte Estelle

Francie patting the boys on the head

Babies everywhere (and yes Francie outgrew this outfit from Aunt Mimi like yesterday:)