Francie is Four Months Old

(Back to the old blog layout I think.. or at least closer to it:)

Francie has been so much fun these past few days. She is so much more alert and reactive when you talk to her and play with her. She loves to coo and laugh at her dad and all of the sudden can play with toys, grab things and entertain herself (us too!)

Remember these? Jannie gave us a Johnny-Jump-Up and it is soo much fun for Francie-pants! It keeps her entertained for at least long enough for us to eat dinner and do the dishes too :)

Mid-air JUMPS!

Saturday was a sunny day so Francie and I had some tummy-time fun on the lawn in the front yard while Dad was installing a vent in the attic (we had to get out of the house so Francie's sweet little ears weren't subjected to the cuss words coming from the attic:)

All done with tummy time

"I don't think Daddy is supposed to say those words around me?"

Playing airplane on Mommys knees

Squinting in the sun

Sneaky little girl... we had Kevin and Heather over for dinner (they are expecting a baby in July!!) and while we were watching Francie play on her Gymini mat Heather asked me if Francie was rolling over yet. I said "No, I don't think she's even close yet" and we look down to see Francie roll right on over from her front to her back! Heather looked at me and said "Uh, Mare... I think that is rolling over."
Thanks for making me look silly Francie-pants!